How to Know If Your Security Camera Has Been Hacked

As technology advances, security cameras have become a staple for home and business surveillance. They provide us with a sense of security and peace of mind, knowing that we can monitor our surroundings from anywhere, at any time. However, as with any technology, security cameras can be vulnerable to hacking, and if this happens, it can compromise your privacy and security.

In this article, we’ll explore some of the signs that your security camera has been hacked, and what you can do to prevent it from happening.

6 Ways To Know If My Security Camera System Has Been Hacked

Setting up a security camera to monitor your home is a convenient and simple process. However, it’s equally easy for these cameras to become vulnerable to hacking. Once hackers gain access to your camera, they can control it, watch the video feed and even stream the footage to others. If you’ve noticed unusual activity, you may be concerned that your security camera system has been hacked.

Unfortunately, it’s not always easy to determine whether your home surveillance camera or webcam has been included in an unsecured IP camera list, making it vulnerable to hackers. Therefore, it’s crucial to remain vigilant and keep an eye out for any signs that your security camera may have been hacked.

The following are several ways to determine whether your security camera has been compromised.

1. Strange Behaviors

One of the most obvious signs that your security camera has been hacked is if it starts behaving strangely. For example, if it suddenly starts moving on its own or if the LED light turns on when it’s not supposed to, it could be a sign that someone has gained unauthorized access. Similarly, if your camera starts recording at odd times, or if it starts recording for longer than usual, it’s possible that someone has hacked into it.

2. Strange Noises

Another sign that your security camera has been hacked is if you start hearing strange noises coming from it. These could be beeps, clicks, or static, and they’re usually a sign that someone is accessing your camera’s audio feed. If you hear these noises, it’s essential to investigate further to find out what’s causing them.

3. Changes in Settings

If you notice that your security camera’s settings have been changed, this could be a sign that someone has hacked into it. For example, if the camera’s password has been changed or if the recording settings have been altered, it could mean that someone has gained unauthorized access. If you suspect that your camera’s settings have been changed, it’s important to take action immediately.

4. Strange Emails or Messages

If you start receiving strange emails or messages, it could be a sign that your security camera has been hacked. Hackers may use your camera to send spam or phishing messages to your contacts, and if this happens, it can compromise your privacy and security. If you receive any strange emails or messages, it’s essential to investigate them further to find out what’s going on.

5. Suspicious IP Addresses

Every device on the internet has a unique IP address, which is a string of numbers that identifies the device’s location. If you notice any suspicious IP addresses accessing your security camera, it’s a sign that someone has gained unauthorized access. To check your camera’s IP addresses, you can log into your camera’s settings and look at the access logs. If you see any IP addresses that you don’t recognize, it’s essential to take action immediately.

6. Slow Performance

If your security camera starts to perform slowly, it could be a sign that someone has hacked into it. Hackers may use your camera’s processing power to mine cryptocurrency or carry out other malicious activities, which can slow down the camera’s performance. If you notice that your camera is running slowly, it’s important to investigate further to find out what’s causing the problem.

What to Do if Your Security Camera Has Been Hacked

If you suspect that your security camera has been hacked, there are several steps you can take to protect yourself and your privacy.

1. Change Your Password

The first step is to change your camera’s password immediately. Choose a strong, unique password that’s difficult to guess, and never reuse passwords from other accounts.

2. Update Your Firmware

Make sure that your camera’s firmware is up to date. Manufacturers often release updates that fix security vulnerabilities, so it’s important to keep your camera’s firmware up to date to protect yourself from hacking.

3. Enable Two-Factor Authentication

Many cameras offer two-factor authentication, which provides an extra layer of security. With two-factor authentication enabled, you’ll need to enter a code from your phone before you can access your camera, which makes it much harder for hackers to gain unauthorized access.

4. Scan Your Network

It’s a good idea to scan your network for any other devices that may have been hacked. Hackers often use one compromised device to gain access to other devices on the network, so it’s important to check for any other vulnerabilities.

5. Contact Customer Support

If you suspect that your camera has been hacked, it’s a good idea to contact customer support for your camera manufacturer. They can offer advice and support on how to secure your camera and prevent future hacks.

6. Consider Professional Help

If you’re unable to secure your camera or if you suspect that there may be other security vulnerabilities on your network, it may be time to consider professional help. A security expert can help you identify and address any vulnerabilities, and ensure that your network is secure and protected.

Preventing Hacks

The best way to protect yourself from security camera hacks is to take preventive measures. Here are some tips to keep your security cameras secure:

1. Buy Security Cameras with Advanced Encryption

Use cameras from reputable manufacturers, whether they are part of a professionally monitored security system or a DIY device. Use cameras with high-level, end-to-end encryption.

And the best scenario is to get an IP camera from the top CCTV camera brand that enables all the advanced security features, including SSL/TLS encryption, WPA2-AES encryption, which keep most of CCTV camera hackers away.

2. Change Default Passwords

When you first set up your camera, it will likely have a default password that’s easy to guess. Be sure to change this password to a strong, unique password that’s difficult to guess.

3. Keep Your Firmware Up to Date

Make sure that your camera’s firmware is up to date. Manufacturers often release updates that fix security vulnerabilities, so it’s important to keep your camera’s firmware up to date to protect yourself from hacking.

4. Use Two-Factor Authentication

Enable two-factor authentication for your camera to provide an extra layer of security.

5. Limit Access

Only give access to your camera to trusted individuals. Be sure to limit access to your camera’s settings to prevent unauthorized changes.

6. Use a Secure Network

Make sure that your camera is connected to a secure network. Use a strong, unique password for your network, and avoid using public Wi-Fi to access your camera.

Another pro tip to secure your security camera from hacking is to build a subnet for your home security camera system with an NVR.

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7. Regularly Check Your Camera

Regularly check your camera’s settings and access logs to ensure that everything is functioning properly. If you notice any unusual activity, investigate it further to ensure that your camera hasn’t been hacked.


In conclusion, security camera hacks can compromise your privacy and security. However, by taking preventive measures and staying vigilant, you can protect yourself from hacking and ensure that your security cameras remain secure. If you suspect that your camera has been hacked, take action immediately to protect yourself and your network. By staying informed and taking proactive steps, you can enjoy the benefits of security cameras without the worry of hacking.