Zosi NVR Operation – Search
Search through and view your recorded footage using different searching methods.
Time Search – Event Search – Image
Search > Time Search
Search through and view recorded video footage by time and date.
To locate a specific video recording:
1. Left click on the date on the calendar with the mouse. Dates with recorded footage will have a blue square around them.
2. Select the channels you want to search using the check boxes below the calendar. Selected channels will be marked with a check.
3. Click on the “Search” button in the top right corner of the menu.
4. The left side of the screen will display a light blue box if there is footage for that time and channel. The image above shows recordings on Channel 1, from 12am to 8am.
5. Press the play button to view the footage. The play button is located directly to the left of the “Start Time” field.
6. You can also input a start time manually using the “Start Time” field located directly to the right of the play button.
Search > Event Search
Search the times of recorded events. Schedule, Motion, Video Loss, Power Loss, or Screen Grab events.
Please note: The above video was created for use with the Zosi DVR system, but also displays a similar Event search option used with certain models of Zosi NVRs.
To locate a specific event:
1. Select a date on the calendar with the mouse. Dates with recorded events will have a blue square around them.
2. Select the channels you want to search using the checkboxes below the calendar. Selected channels will be marked with a check.
3. Ensure the Motion option is checked. Other potential Events include Power Loss and Video Loss events.
4. Select the search button in the top right corner. The list will populate with events from your chosen date with information regarding the start time, end time, and event type.
5. Double click on the event you wish to view. You will be taken to Live View where you can watch your recorded footage.
Search > Image
Search and view your collection of images. Images are captured through motion sensor events, and when manually triggered through either the Quick Menu or the Zosi Smart app.
To Search through your Images:
1. Select a Start Time and an End Time for your search using the calendar icon.
2. Select the channels you want to search using the check boxes below the Start Time and End Time fields. Selected channels will be marked with a check mark.
3. Select the Search Button. The image screen will populate with the first available image.
4. Save: Saves the selected file to an attached USB storage device. The images will save in the to USB directory /dvrpicture.
5. Save All: Saves all the files to an attached USB storage device. The images will save in the to USB directory /dvrpicture.