Zosi NVR Operation – IPC Channel Config

IPC Channel Config

The IPC Channel Config menu is used to Add and Remove individual IP cameras from your NVR.


Reset IPC – Resets the credentials of the selected camera

Search – Search your local area network (LAN) for an IP camera. This will also find cameras that are physically attached to the NVR via Ethernet cable.

Wifi Add – Use this to add your IP cameras to the device after powering them on.

Cable Add – Use this to a wired camera to the NVR.

Add All – Adds all found cameras to the NVR

Delete – Deletes the selected camera from the NVR.

All Delete – Deletes all cameras from the NVR.

Upgrade – Upgrade the firmware of the selected camera.

Wireless Set – Apply the Wireless Settings to the selected camera.

Refresh – Refreshes the list.

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