Video Manage
The Video Manage screen allows you to add, remove, and modify the cameras connected to your system.
- Refresh – Refresh the list of cameras. You’ll see your cameras listed in the box to the left of these options.
- Match Code – Use this option to search for cameras on your Local Network, and add them to your NVR. For more information on adding cameras to your NVR, click here.
- Auto Add – If the cameras are already found on the network, use Auto Add to add them to the NVR.
- Modify – Allows you to modify the parameters of the selected camera. Modify options can be seen in the screenshot below.
- Advanced – Allows you to view Advanced Options for your cameras (seen below)
- Delete – Delete the selected device from the Added Device List.
- Delete All – Delete all listed devices from the Added Device List.
- Manual Edit – Customize options for the camera’s channel. Use the “Image Rollover” option to flip your image vertically.
- Channel Setup – Opens the Channel Setup menu
- Wifi Setup – Open to the Network Settings menu
- Repeater – Configure the repeater function for the cameras. To learn how to set up the repeater function, click here.
Advanced Options
View the Advanced Options in the Video Manage screen, by selecting the “Advanced” options from the provided selections.
- Multiply Network Segment – This feature is not currently supported.
- Allow Repeated Add – Allows you to add the same camera to multiple channels
- Automatic Bitrate – Automatically manages the bitrate of the video signal sent to and from the NVR. If you’re having connection issues this may help create a more consistent stream.