What Should I Do If a Car Is Blocking My Driveway?

1. Calling the Police:

In most cases, contacting the police is the first step. Use the non-emergency number to avoid tying up emergency services. When the police arrive, they may run the car’s license plate and attempt to contact the owner. If the vehicle is illegally parked, they might issue a ticket or authorize a tow.

2. Information to Provide:

  • Vehicle details: make, model, and color.
  • License plate number.
  • The duration the car has been parked in your driveway.

3. Using Non-Emergency Lines:

For non-urgent situations, use non-emergency police lines to report the issue. This helps reserve 911 calls for actual emergencies and ensures a timely response for parking complaints.

4. Local Reporting Tools:

Some cities have specific tools or apps for residents to report parking violations. Check your local government’s website to see if such digital resources are available.

Read also: How to Stop Someone from Parking in My Driveway