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What is WPA3 and How Does It Improve Wi-Fi Security?

Launched in 2018, WPA3 was designed to enhance security and usability in response to the weaknesses of WPA2. Key features of WPA3 include:

  1. Stronger Password Protection: The Simultaneous Authentication of Equals (SAE) replaces WPA2’s Pre-Shared Key (PSK) method, reducing the risk of brute-force attacks and offering greater resilience even with weak passwords.
  2. Enhanced Encryption: WPA3 increases encryption strength, offering 192-bit encryption for enterprise networks, compared to WPA2’s 128-bit standard.
  3. Simplified Connectivity: WPA3 makes connecting devices like IoT and smart home gadgets more secure and user-friendly, even if they lack traditional input methods.

WPA3 is also backward compatible with WPA2, ensuring that older devices can still connect to networks running WPA3 without significant issues.

Read also: WPA2 vs WPA3: Which is Better for Your Wi-Fi Security?

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