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How to Cleverly Secure Your Home Windows — Top 9 Easiest Security Solutions

How to Cleverly Secure Your Home Windows — Top 9 Easiest Security Solutions

It’s a big must to secure your home windows against invaders. Statistics show that a surprising 30% of burglars enter home through an unlocked window or door. 23% burglars enter a property through first-floor windows.

To help reinforce & burglar-proof your home windows from intruders, we’ve summarized top 9 window security solutions below (nice pictures and videos included!)

If you have other window security tips to make your home windows/doors more secure, you can share with us in the comment and we will include your tips in our “Update Tips“.

*Take a quick look at the 9 home window security strategies here. If you find it useful, feel free to share it with your friends or on social media.


#1. Top 7 Window Security Solutions — Outsmart the Intruders in Every Way

You may have heard of thousands of best ways to secure your home windows from break-ins. Unfortunately, not all of them work for you.

Now save your time and try the top 7 DIY and useful ways to prevent break-ins through windows for your apartment.

Solution 1. Secure Your House Windows from Burglars by Keeping Them Locked

Always keep your home windows locked. Seems extremely easy, right? Actually, not everyone will remember to lock the windows before going outside.

Don’t forget to use security latches or dowels to lock and reinforce your home windows. If you have an opening sliding glass window, it’s necessary to install a rod on the track where the window slides.

You can use a post-it note on your door reminding you of locking your windows before you go out for work or shopping. Plus, setting up mobile push notifications would be also quite useful. After you lock your windows and doors, don’t leave the keys within easy reach of doors, letterboxes and windows.

Solution 2. Use Security Bars and Grilles to Prevent House Window Break-Ins/Intruders

Metal window bars and grilles have been proved to be effective in securing your home exterior and interior windows from intruders.

If you want an inexpensive way to make your house windows more secure, buy DIY residential window security grids, bars or guards.

And if you don’t want those metal or iron bars to ruin your perfect window beauty, you can opt to those decorative window bars that are absolutely beautiful and can be customized to suit your house décor.

Note: For emergencies, you should not install anti-burglar window bars for every window. At least keep one window without bars for emergency use.

How to secure your home windows without bars? If you don’t want the window bars to ruin the perfect aesthetics of your windows, keep reading to get more effective window protection tips against burglars without using metal bars or grilles.

Solution 3. Install Security Cameras to Reinforce Your Windows Against Break-Ins

What’s the best way to protect/cover windows from break-ins? Window security cameras (systems) are undoubtedly one of the most effective ways to theft-proof your house windows, doors and garage, etc. against intruders.

You can check this post to see whether security cameras are effective in deterring crimes.

The position of your window security cameras is crucial.

Placing security cameras behind glass windows may result in blurry images or inefficient motion detection. So, it would be better to put cameras outside your window or front porch to monitor those “window shoppers”.

Just the fear of being caught in the act is typically enough to make the window intruders think twice before breaking into your home through windows.

If the budget is one of your concerns, you can go for the best CCTV camera brand at affordable prices, like ZOSI. This company provides high-quality security cameras with favorable prices. You can check ZOSI Black Friday and Prime Day deals. Sometimes you are gonna buy a window security camera with only dozens of dollars!

You will receive instant app push notifications, email alerts, captured images or video clips when there are motion events, and you can keep the images/videos as evidence. It is definitely a good way to burglar/break-proof your windows and your house.

You can watch the video below to see a homeowner who was caught on the camera when he ”broke” into his own house through the window. And you’re gonna see how a window security camera will benefit your apartment home window security.

It’s not recommended to use fake security cameras to secure your home windows and doors. For experienced burglars, they can recognize fake cameras within minutes.

There are other window security devices you can consider, such as window security alarms, magnet sensors, etc. You can add these window security devices after you’ve installed a solid window security camera.

All in all, a security camera should top your choice when you want to make your home and windows safe without using iron bars. Even you have a front door crank out the window, a security camera can make it unbreakable to the greatest degree.

Solution 4. Reinforce Your Window Glass to Secure & Burglar-Proof Your Windows from Invaders

You can secure ground-floor windows by reinforcing the window glass. Thus those invaders cannot smash the window glass to get access to your home.

Consider the below simple ways to harden your window glass and protect your rental house’s windows.

Tip 1. Cover Windows with Protective Film

Window security films have two advantages in hardening your window glass:

1. They protect your windows from being shattered or smashed easily by intruders.

And the window security films turn your casement or single/double hung or any types of windows into the break-in resistant type.

2. Clear films and tinted films prevent burglars from looking into your house directly, which makes your house an unwelcomed target.

If you want a much more cost-saving window security tip to secure your windows, you can install window security roller shutters to stop prying eyes. You can also install window security laminates with screws to break-proof your windows.

Tip 2. Use Window Security Screens

Window security screens are similar to insect screens but much stronger. They are usually made of steel. Window security screens stand up well against knives and strong force, so intruders cannot punch the windows to break into your house.

Tip 3. Install Smash-Proof Window Glass

Usual window glass is easily smashed by intruders. Smash-proof or burglar-resistant window glass can make home windows more secure.

Such break-proof windows enable you to reinforce your windows and make your home an uneasy house break-in target.

Burglars would tend to seek another easier target once he or she realizes your house is hard to invade.

Solution 5. Install Good-Quality Window Security Locks

In order to increase your home window and door security, solid locks are necessary.

In most cases, the original locks are not solid enough to secure your windows. Secondary good-quality window locks are indispensable to theft-proof or secure the crank-out windows of your apartment.

Got bumped by such questions when wandering forums, like “What are the best window security locks for single/double hung windows? How to secure casement windows?“.

So we list some good-quality window security lock options for you to secure your windows. You can buy window security locks from Lowe’s, Walmart, etc., among 3 popular types of locks: flip locks, keyed locks and sash locks.

A good window security option is that you can install strong and visible window locks on your basement, first-floor windows or balconies and add simple deadbolts or sash locks for extra security layer.

Solution 6. Install Bright Floodlights to Prevent Burglars from Breaking into Your Windows

Burglars prefer dark environments since they would not be detected easily under the cover of darkness.

Thus it is necessary to install bright floodlights or window security lights over your windows. Bright floodlight is a sign that the house is occupied. A well-lighted window helps to stop break-ins. It’s also an effective way to ensure your home front/back door security.

Install motion-sensed floodlights for your windows to get the signal that someone is approaching your house windows when the motion sensing lights are on. So, you are able to respond at once before a house window break-in happens.

You can get more resources in this post to see whether outside lights deter burglars. This post is written by Amanda, ZOSI’s senior editor, who is really professional in the home security field.

Solution 7. Plant Thorny Bushes to Protect Home Windows from Burglars

Don’t forget to plant some thorny bushes, such as roses, cacti, etc. under your first-floor windows to hinder invaders. Those thorny bushes make your windows inaccessible to intruders.

Avoid planting tall and strong trees near your windows, because it will make it easier for invaders to kick in. (Bad guys will climb on these trees and get into your house.)

Such an inexpensive way can help you secure your open windows from those opportunistic crooks.

#2. Editor’s Update: Bonus Ways to Secure Your Home Windows from Break-Ins

We always keep updating our posts so that you can get more up-to-date window security tips. Please check more effective ways below to secure your home windows, doors, etc.

Update 1. Go Get a Barking Dog

Thieves hate drawing attention. A trained barking dog can scare off the burglars when they attempt to break into your property. About 34% of the convicted burglars surveyed said that a dog inside would change their mind before breaking into a home.

If you want to know if your dogs will protect your home, you can read this post to get more insights.

Update 2. Start a Neighborhood Watch Program

Good neighbors should look out for each other. Get to know your neighbors, invite them into your apartments and built mutual trust. Good neighbors will watch out for your home and help you pick your mail, newspaper, etc., while you are away or on vacation.

Unsecured windows are intruders’ favorite entry points. Take the above easy and cheap ways to protect your home windows from becoming the targets of awful thieve.

It’s time for you to add extra security tips for home windows here!

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