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How to Secure Your Home and Prevent Break-ins

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Have you ever considered the likelihood of an intruder breaking into your home? Sadly, in the United States, a home burglary occurs every 15 seconds. However, there are steps that can be taken to prevent break-ins and ensure the safety of your home.

In this article, we will discuss four effective tips to make your home more secure and resistant to burglaries.

While there are many resources available online, we have narrowed it down to the top four practical tips that you can implement. By following these tips, you can take proactive measures to safeguard your home and family against break-ins.

In the unfortunate event of a break-in, we also provide tips on how to handle the situation.

Assess The Safety Of The Different Areas Of Your Home

The first and the most important step to secure your home against intruders, is to make sure the areas of your hours are all safe.

Front Door

The front door is the most common entry point for intruders, accounting for approximately a third of all home break-ins. To prevent such incidents, it is essential to invest in a high-quality, solid, and pick-resistant deadbolt lock. Additionally, you can use the 10 tips to secure your house front door for added protection. Always remember to keep your front door locked, especially when you are away from home. It is also advisable to use outdoor lighting on a timer to ensure that your house is well-lit throughout the night.


Windows that are easily accessible should be equipped with sash locks to prevent intruders from entering. Installing locks on downstairs windows is particularly important, and you may also consider adding a wireless alarm system to your windows. Such alarm systems can be set to trigger an alarm whenever a window is opened, effectively deterring potential burglars or intruders. Keep in mind that there are other effective ways to secure your home without an alarm system and prevent break-ins.

Sliding Doors

Securing your home’s side entry points, particularly those that use sliding glass doors, is crucial. Installing a sturdy metal jammer is an effective solution that prevents the doors from being lifted off their tracks. As approximately 20% of break-ins happen through side doors, investing in a jammer could help deter potential intruders.


Although it may seem like a minor hassle, installing an indoor lock for your garage door can greatly enhance your home’s security. This extra precaution can come in handy in the event that a burglar manages to bypass your electronic garage door opener. One cost-effective method for increasing your garage’s security is by adding a side deadlock.


Securing all entry points to your basement, including doors and windows, is critical for keeping your home safe. Installing motion-activated lights near these access points can help prevent potential intruders from hiding in the shadows.

Second Floor

While some may assume that second-floor windows are safe from intruders, it’s important to take precautions to ensure your home’s security. Installing sash locks on all second-story windows can provide added protection against burglars. These locks come in various styles, and can be an effective way to safeguard your home.

Make Sure To Use Common Sense When Traveling Away From Home

When traveling away from home, it’s important to take precautions to make your house look occupied. Burglars often target homes that appear unoccupied, so taking steps to make it look like someone is home can help deter potential break-ins.


There are 11 ways to protect your home while you’re on vacation, including using timers for lights and electronics to mimic your normal routine. Choose a timer with battery backup to ensure it continues working in case of a power outage.

Turning down the ringer on your home phone or forwarding calls can also prevent burglars from detecting an empty home.

Rather than stopping deliveries such as mail, ask a trusted neighbor to collect it for you. Burglars often take notice of accumulated mail, as it can be a sign of an empty home.

Taking Measures To Prevent Intruders From Hiding Is Crucial For Home Security

Lighting is one of the most effective defenses against break-ins, as burglars are less likely to target a well-lit home. Trees and bushes can also provide hiding spots for burglars, so it’s important to trim them back and choose thorny plants such as roses to plant around windows and doors.

All entrances to the home should be secure and well-lit, with motion-activated lights providing an extra layer of protection. Neighbors are more likely to take notice if a motion light is triggered, making them an effective deterrent against burglars.

Consider Installing A Home Security System

Installing a home security system can greatly improve your home’s security, making it more difficult for burglars to enter. Not only can a quality home security systems deter burglars, but they also increase the likelihood of a burglar being caught.

The FBI states that homes without a security system are 3 times more likely to experience burglary (1 in 3) than homes with a security system (1 in 250). It’s crucial not to overlook the 10 reasons why a home security system is necessary.

Choosing a high-quality home security system and displaying the provided window decals and yard signs can help keep your home safe. Installing a DIY home security system is easy, and can provide peace of mind knowing your home is protected.

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By implementing the tips above, you can reduce the likelihood of your home being targeted by burglars and make it a safer place for you and your family.

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