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How to Tell When You Are in a Bad Neighborhood?

When considering a new home, it’s important to be aware of signs that indicate a bad neighborhood. Here are 26 additional signs to add to the list:

  1. Random Garbage Everywhere: If there is trash scattered everywhere and it’s not cleaned up for a long time, it’s a red flag.
  2. Thick Graffiti: Excessive graffiti on public and private property is another sign of a bad neighborhood.
  3. Many Dilapidated or Abandoned Houses: Too many dilapidated or abandoned houses are red flags of a bad neighborhood.
  4. Bars on Doors and Windows: If 50% or more house owners install bars on doors and windows to stop break-ins, it’s a clear sign of a bad neighborhood.
  5. Fences Around Houses: People living in bad neighborhoods put up fences around their houses to keep strangers out.
  6. Locks Everywhere: People lock things that we usually don’t put locks on, such as mailboxes and air conditioning units.
  7. Broken Car Window Glass in Parking Lots: Broken car window glass is another clear sign of a bad neighborhood.
  8. High Unemployment Rate: In neighborhoods with high unemployment rates, jobless people may do something bad to your property.
  9. Lots of Homeless People: A neighborhood with lots of homeless people is not an ideal place to live in.
  10. Unattended Kids: Kids always playing or walking around your communities on their own is another sign of a bad neighborhood.
  11. Strange Teenagers: Teenagers in poor neighborhoods tend to gather together and behave strangely.
  12. People Talk Loudly in the Street: If you can hear people talking loudly in the street, especially about their daily personal life, it’s a sign of a bad neighborhood.
  13. Noise Late at Night: Loud music or band practices at midnight are signs of a bad neighborhood.
  14. Irregular Police Presence: If the police only patrol your neighborhood during the day but not at night, it could be a red flag.
  15. High Crime Rate: Neighborhoods with a high crime rate are not ideal places to live.
  16. Gangs: The presence of gangs is another clear sign of a bad neighborhood.
  17. Illegal Activity: Drug dealing, drug use, and prostitution are characteristics of a bad neighborhood.
  18. Pairs of Tennis Shoes Thrown Over Electric Wires: Shoes over electric wires can represent gang hangouts or drug dealing spots.
  19. Most Popular Dog: Pit Bull: Neighborhoods with a high number of pit bulls may have loose breed-specific regulations.
  20. Frequent Yard Sales: Frequent yard sales with useless items can indicate a bad neighborhood.
  21. Not Enough Basic Infrastructure: Poor infrastructure, such as sidewalks and overpasses, or infrastructure in disrepair are signs of a bad neighborhood.
  22. Shot Out Street Lights: Poor neighborhoods may not have well-functioning street lights, which can bring concerns to residents.
  23. Check-Cashing Stores, Pawn Shops, and Payday Loans: A high concentration of these businesses indicates a bad neighborhood.
  24. Bulletproof Glass on Local Stores: Stores using bulletproof glass may indicate a dangerous neighborhood.
  25. Pizza Not Delivered to Your House: If pizza places avoid delivering to your neighborhood, it could be a sign of an unsafe area.
  26. Off-Brand Stores: A lack of major brand stores and presence of off-brand stores like Kennedy Fried Chicken may indicate a bad neighborhood.

Read also: Living in a Bad Neighborhood: 26 Signs You Shouldn’t Ignore

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