How Much Power Do Security Cameras Use?

Understanding how much power your security cameras use is important in determining the impact they have on your energy bill. Security cameras typically consume very little power, but the exact amount will depend on several factors, such as the type of camera, its features, and how it is connected to the power source.

Some cameras may have power consumption specifications listed in their manuals or on their product pages, while others may only list information about the power supply. In the latter case, you can calculate energy consumption by multiplying the voltage by the camera’s amperage, or by using a device like a Kill A Watt to measure power consumption directly.

It’s important to note that different features, such as IR illumination night vision or pan-tilt, may increase a camera’s power consumption by a few watts. Additionally, PoE security cameras may require a PoE switch or injector, which can add to their power consumption. A piece of advice, choose PoE switch carefully by estimating the maximum power draw per device and the number of PoE cameras.

Overall, however, security cameras are not major energy consumers like other gadgets such as computers or toasters.

Read also: Power Consumption of CCTV/IP Cameras/Systems: What You Need to Know