How Can You Get More Accurate Results for IP Camera Bandwidth Calculation?

The IP camera bandwidth calculation formula provided earlier is suitable for ideal or controlled environments, and external factors ultimately affect the actual bandwidth usage. As such, depending solely on online IP camera bandwidth calculators may not provide the most accurate bandwidth calculation.

Other external factors, such as the brightness or darkness of the environment, also affect the bandwidth usage of HD IP cameras. Additionally, special applications like facial recognition or license plate recognition require higher resolution and frame rate recording, translating to higher bandwidth usage.

To obtain more accurate IP camera bandwidth calculation results, perform tests in various scenarios. Place IP cameras in different settings ranging from simple, like against a wall, to complex, like a busy entryway, and record the bandwidth requirements. By testing in different situations, you will acquire more accurate results on your IP camera bandwidth usage.

In multiple tests, it was observed that areas with a high human population have a higher bandwidth requirement. To find an IP camera that won’t use much data, consider the information above.

Read also: IP Camera Bandwidth Calculation: Easy Formula & Quick Tips to Reduce Bandwidth Usage