How Can I Fix the Yellow Ring on My Alexa Device?

Clearing the yellow ring on Alexa is straightforward once you know what’s causing it. Here’s a step-by-step guide to fix the issue:

1. Ask Alexa for Notifications

The simplest way to address the yellow ring is to ask, “Alexa, what are my notifications?” or “Alexa, do I have any messages?” Alexa will read out the pending notifications or messages, and once these have been addressed, the yellow ring should disappear.

2. Clear Notifications in the Alexa App

If the yellow ring persists, open the Alexa app on your smartphone. Go to the “Communications” section or “Notifications” tab to view any unread messages or pending notifications. Mark them as read to clear the alert.

3. Review Missed Reminders

Check the “Reminders & Alarms” section in the Alexa app for any missed alerts. If there are reminders you haven’t dismissed, clearing them should resolve the yellow ring.

Following these steps ensures that all unread notifications are acknowledged, which usually stops the yellow light from reappearing.

Read also: Why is My Alexa Ring Yellow? Fixes & Tips Explained