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Are There Safety Issues with IP Camera Cloud Storage?

Privacy and safety issues of IP camera cloud storage are always significant concerns. However, choosing a reputable security camera brand with advanced encryption technology is the best solution to avoid these problems.

Quality cloud IP cameras incorporate Transport Layer Security (TLS), store videos in Amazon S3 (the industry’s most-trusted service), and guarantee encrypted video transfer through HTTPS protocol.

Trusted cloud storage camera manufacturers are committed to keeping their servers current with security patches and operating system updates. They also regularly update software on their pages, enabling customers to keep their systems up-to-date.

One of the biggest risks of intercepting things is when users don’t change their default account password, such as admin or 12345. Many users leave their passwords unchanged and end up being the victims of online hacking attacks. To keep your cloud IP camera safe, it’s essential to create a strong password and avoid using default passwords.

Read also: Cloud Storage IP Camera: Top 7 Things You Need to Know

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